CASC Water & Sewage Charges

After reviewing various water contracts across the CASC community, we have found that billing and consumption are often indifferent. This is due to suppliers assuming, without evidence, that a large proportion of the water inputted to a club returns to the sewer. It is the best interest of the supplier to assume a higher amount, therefore the term Return To Sewer (RTS) allowance was coined.

Most sewerage wholesalers apply a default Return to Sewer (RTS) figure of between 90- 95% to their metered sewerage volume charges. This has the effect of automatically applying an allowance of between 5 to 10% in anticipation that not all water used by measured customers’ returns to sewer.

The problem for clubs is that the water companies do not know the surface water drainage arrangements of all the individual clubs in their area. CASC Assure feels that the suppliers should be aware that this is a universal problem and yet do little to proactively inform clubs. This ultimately means that the club needs to make an application for a rebate or opt-in for a rate reduction and rebate that would otherwise never be offered to them. Read the Full Article - Click Here >